The 2010 All Chiefs Task Force recommended FNFC to coordinate BC First Nations’ political and technical capacity and develop a cohesive and united voice among BC First Nations. FNFC's approach is to convene First Nations, listen to their priorities and perspectives, and help clearly articulate their shared messaging to decision makers. These structures and processes support coherent messaging to the government.
Our mandate was given to us by BC First Nations through the BC First Nations Fisheries Action Plan (2007), ratified by the participants at the 2009 Fall Fisheries Assembly in Nanaimo BC, and endorsed by resolution of the BC Assembly of First Nations, the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, and the First Nations Summit. It is a shared vision on how to effectively achieve progress on First Nations’ goals and priorities, and create transformative change in Pacific fisheries.
Our Council is appointed by First Nations communities and organizations from 14 geographic regions. Our regional model was designed by First Nations to reflect the diversity in ecology, cultures, expertise, fisheries practices, and perspectives across the province. Each member of the council is a strong ambassador connecting people in their region to the conversation on fisheries issues of common interest for all First Nations in BC. Together, the council helps create a strong, coherent First Nations voice throughout the province of BC.