FINE is a Latin American specialist focused in data collection in healthcare, also running consumer and b2b services.
It currently holds the largest physician panel in Latin America with over 80,000 registered physicians.
It has own local offices in the key markets of Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Chile.
For qual services offers bilingual moderators and project managers all trained in international healthcare research. Also provide own facilities in Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, conveniently located and offering state of the art services including Focus Vision video streaming.
It currently serves the largest 5 Global Market Research companies, all major global heathcare panels and dozens of middle size international MR agencies from US, Europe, Asia and Latin America.
FINE is member of EPHMRA, PMRG, Insight Association, Brazilian Market Research Association and ESOMAR Corporate (sponsoring last 4 ESOMAR conferences in Latin America). It has contributed to ESOMAR magazine (Research News) and run workshops on training for healthcare research in Latin America.