The Financial Study association Rotterdam (FSR) is the study association for all students in the area of finance, accounting and controlling of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Check out our personal Linkedin for regular updates!
The origin of the FSR goes back to 1998 when the two associations Pecunia and Pacioli merged into the Financial Study association Rotterdam. With more than 2700 members, the FSR is the largest independent study association in Rotterdam.
The goal of the FSR is to create a link between theory - as it is taught at universities - and the versatile financial world in practice. This is accomplished by organising various prestigious activities like the International Banking Cycle, the International Research Project and the Corporate Finance Competition. Other activities include workshops, company visits, study trips and company drinks.
For more information about the FSR, feel free to contact us! You can send an email to or visit our office in G-building floor 3 at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Board 2024-2025
President - Meinte Conijn
Vice President - Thijmen de Mooij
Treasurer - Mark de Reus
Commissioner External Relation - Freja Kovar Smed
Commissioner Activities - Vita Verheijen
Commissioner Finance Activities - Bart van IJken