This is the official LinkedIn of the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA), managed by the Strategy Development Division, JFSA. This account primarily promotes the JFSA’s “International Financial Center Initiatives.”
[International Financial Center Initiatives]
The JFSA is aiming to expand Japan’s role as an International Financial Center under the “International Financial Center Initiatives.” Specifically, the Initiatives attempts to attract overseas asset managers, with programs on regulation, tax, business incubation and livelihood support for overseas investment professionals.
[JFSA’s Mission]
The JFSA’s mission is to contribute to the national welfare by securing growth of national economy and wealth through achieving the following three sets of goals:
ⅰ. Financial stability and effective financial intermediation;
ⅱ. Consumer protection and consumer benefit; and
ⅲ. Market integrity and market vigor
◆ Planning and policy making of financial systems
◆ Inspection and supervision of private sector financial institutions, including banks, insurance companies, and financial instrument business operators, as well as market participants, including exchanges
◆ Establishment of rules for trading in markets
◆ Establishment of business accounting standards and others concerning corporate finance
◆ Supervision of certified public accountants and auditing firms
◆ Participation in activities of international organizations and bilateral and multilateral fora on financial issues to develop internationally consistent financial administration
◆ Surveillance of compliance of rules in markets