Financial Fitness Group is an enterprise software company that provides financial education solutions designed to maximize user engagement. Our financial wellness platform is proven to engage users of all backgrounds, from investors to employees. Financial Fitness Group is a leading provider of interactive financial wellness for financial service providers, banks, credit unions, advisors, government agencies and some of the largest companies across the nation. For over 20 years, we’ve been assessing, scoring and educating our clients’ target audiences–thereby driving real behavior change–through our financial education platform.
Financial Services
HQ Location
501 W. Broadway
Ste. A, #158
San Diego, CA 92101, US
Financial educationFinancial wellness assessmentBehavior change education
Financial education solutionsFinancial wellness platformInteractive financial wellness
financial wellnessfinancial literacyfinancial educatiofinancial wellness assessmentonline learningmoney educatiomoney trainingworkplace wellness solutionsinvestor educatioigital advice