Filmmaker is an international film festival based in Milan from 1980. It deals with documentaries and experimental cinema. Among its competitive sections, its programme includes "Filmmaker Expanded" section for Italian VR.
Filmmaker is continuous contamination, research, experimentation, avant-garde. A festival interested in finding out and sustain new authors, new film forms and new relations with the audience.
Filmmaker is a space for watching films but also for reflecting on, creating, and supporting a new cinema: in more than thirty years of activity, it has launched at least three generations of film directors, produced more than eighty films, and spread a vocation to watch and see and think a new, free, international, outside-the-box cinema thanks to mediators like Frederick Wiseman, Johan van der Keuken, Luc e Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Rithy Panh, Errol Morris e Ulrich Seidl.
Filmmaker has been acknowledged over the years as the initiative that has shown new paths and new trends in cinematography. It has promoted new directors’ works, stimulated encounters between internationally-known authors and the city audience, actively encouraged an exchange of experiences in different disciplines.
Today, Filmmaker offers the public the best experiences in contemporary “cinema of reality”, and on the other spreads seminal ideas and practices in the community of young Milanese and Italian filmmakers.