Build a community of 100,000 local social organisations to bridge the gaps of information between national and international levels of action.
We facilitate information sharing amongst organisations to make strategic data-driven decisions.
Our story:
Having worked in the humanitarian and development sectors for many years, we could notice gaps in the ways organisations functioned, especially how they communicated with each other. We understood that getting ground-level information was difficult to collect for many organisations, let alone share the findings with other entities and even in some cases, sharing within the organisation. Projects have been putting in efforts day in and day out, however, their knowledge doesn’t seem to get leveraged and many organisations seem to be engrossed in fighting it out alone. This lack of sharing directly impacts the communities, as a lot of resources and efforts seem to be lost in reinventing the wheel.
Inspired by OCHA’s 4W framework, we decided to utilise our on-field network to scope the regions and consolidate the information which would be made available for everyone to see. We hope, with this information, organisations can collaborate with existing projects and rapidly scale-up their social impact.
Our purpose:
1) To facilitate partnerships between different organisations
2) Help organisations improve their own internal efficiencies
3) Give visibility and accessibility to organisations working hard in the field