Fermentation Transforms...Australia’s food and agricultural products sector is already internationally oriented and respected; has well-managed food production and biosecurity systems; and a positive reputation for food safety and quality. But we can and should do more to value-add before our produce leaves our shores.
The opportunity to build on this reputation is significant and the time to act is now. The Tasmanian Government has committed to a target to grow the value of Tasmania’s agriculture sector to $10 billion a year by 2050. To achieve this, a step change in the agribusiness industry in the State needs to happen, Fermentation Tasmania can help achieve this.
Fermentation Tasmania Ltd (Fermentas), an industry-led, not-for-profit industry cluster was established in 2016 to accelerate innovation, growth and collaboration for fermentation-based enterprises. The Fermentas aspiration is for Tasmania and Australia to be internationally-recognised for excellence in the design, production and marketing of fine fermented food, beverages and other products.
Unique globally, this smart specialisation cluster of fermentation draws together the food and agribusiness sectors along with the tourism, manufacturing, health and resources and energy sectors and the strong academic and research base that underpins all these. Fermentas’ key value-add to this ecosystem is the ability to form deep networks and cross-sectoral consortia focussed on fermentation – extending the reach and impact of Team Tasmania and leading to increased collaboration and commercialisation between researchers and industry.