The Federation of African Medical Students' Associations (FAMSA) is the mother body for all medical students' associations in Africa. Our motto is "Towards the Improvement of Health in Africa". In order to achieve this and bring medical students in Africa to the limelight all over the world, we connect medical students associations all over Africa together, share information and publish medical articles in a journal-AFROMEDICA, carry out health surveys and research, organize health awareness programs, and educate the public on matters related to their health. FAMSA has five standing committees, which are Standing Committee on Health and Environment (SCOHE), Standing Committee on Medical Education and Research (SCOMER), Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE), Standing Committee on Population Activity (SCOPA), and Standing Committee on Publications (SCOPUB). Every year, we organize a General Assembly (GA), Students International Clinic Conference (SICC), medical and research electives, FAMSA Health Educative Schools, SCOMER, SCOHE and SCOPA seminars and programs. The general assembly is an event in which medical students all over the continent meet and discuss medical topics. It also features a scientific conference. All health professionals and indeed the general public are welcome to attend our general assemblies. In addition to the knowledge and skills acquired during the general assembly, the general assembly promotes international relations among member countries. Executive members and representatives are elected and appointed respectively every administrative year. At FAMSA, we clearly understand our goals and are committed to achieving them.