Favor of God Ministries is an indigenous organization that arose in 2005 in response to God’s heart for northern Uganda during the most horrific war in African history. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God established and sustained in all institutions of the darkest places on Earth. In religion, family, education, government, media, business, and the arts, God is bringing revival to all levels of society in northern Uganda as desperate people see the favor of the living God.
Favor of God’s mission is to serve and train indigenous leaders of all ages to transform their societies with the principles and power of the Gospel. We are indigenous leaders multiplying leaders on the front lines, and we are a support network throughout the U.S. and Australia holding the ropes so that all whom God calls can go to hell and back to “rescue those being led away to death.” Together we can partner with what God is doing in East Africa by raising awareness, rallying people to pray, letting the world know the powerful works of God, building a team to share the vision, and financially supporting and raising support for the various projects of Favor of God.