Concept Space is a 3D computer-animated film studio, located in Moscow, Russia. Produces prime-time comedy animated TV-show Mult Lichnosty (Personally Mult) for the Channel One Russia.
Concept Space animation studio was founded in 2008 by young IT entrepreneurs who had previously opened one of the biggest Russian game development companies of those times Sibilant Interactive. In 2009 Concept Spaced team was joined by founders of REN-TV Animation (creators of the only Russian CGI-animated TV series “Dyatlows).
While working on video games our team experienced in creation of high-end computer graphics and developed a cost-effective production pipeline for CG animation. In 2008 we built an advanced motion capture studio that in cooperation with Sibilant’s art department worked on various projects – development of visual effects, 3d modeling and animation for commercials, music video, holographic shows, ane even interactive banking systems, as well as the first Russian computer animated film “Adventures of Alenushka and Erema”Parts 1 and 2. Among the studio clients the leading Russian production and TV companies, Sberbank Russia, etc.
In 2009 Concept Space and the Channel One Russia signed a contract for the production of a topical animated comedy TV series - Personally Mult (Mult Lichnosti). The weekly primetime show debuted on November 15, 2009 and topped the ratings for 4 seasons.