Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation

Hospitals and Health Care · 11 Employees
Email Address: fundraising@fnqhf.org.au
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A charity established in 1997 to raise funds for Health Care Services in Far North Queensland. Every day, residents throughout Far North Queensland - and from all walks of life - benefit from the fundraising efforts of the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation. Because of our cafes and carpark, all our administration costs are covered. What does this mean? It means every single cent donated to us, really does go to its intended cause. Every dollar raised by the Foundation is spent on improving the health prospects for residents throughout the region. Since the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation was launched on the March 21, 1997, it has funded more than $26 million worth of health care equipment, health research and professional training opportunities for regional hospitals and their staff, and other local health care facilities. We support the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service and Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service, or in geographical terms - from Cardwell to the Torres Strait. This area includes nine hospitals, two multi-purpose health services and 53 primary health centres and encompasses a population of about 284,000 people. Our hospital and health service primary care areas: womens, paediatric, indigenous, men's, cardiac, thoracic and mental health, orthopaedics, general, emergency and tropical medicine, cancer care, medical research, rural and remote, health education including preventative lifestyle strategies. Here's to your health!
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Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
Cnr Digger and Grove Streets Cairns, Qld 4870, AU
  • Cnr Digger and Grove Streets Cairns, Qld 4870, AU

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