The Fahey/Klein Gallery is devoted to the enhancement of the public's appreciation of the medium of photography through the exhibition and sale of 19th and 20th century rare, vintage and contemporary fine art photography by some of the most notable figures in the history of photography.
Throughout its history, the gallery has presented to the public the finest master works of 20th century photography. The gallery is a leader in the field and enjoys an unparalleled position of respect among its clientele. This position of leadership is a result of our deep dedication to the medium of photography as well as the wide range of services, knowledge and assistance we can offer all clients - private, corporate, institutional, educational, including museums.
The gallery, with over 3,000 photographs in stock, deals specifically in photographs as works of art in all genres including portraiture, landscape, still-life, nudes, and reportage. The Fahey/Klein Gallery is a full service gallery for fine art photography. In addition to curating monthly exhibitions for its Los Angeles venue, the gallery personnel also annually curate and export as many as 35 fine art photography traveling exhibitions for other major gallery and museum venues worldwide.
The gallery is also responsible for packaging numerous books. The gallery has collaborated on or packaged over 40 fine art photography books in the past 20 years. We often coordinate the release of these publications in conjunction with the artists' related exhibitions.
The gallery offers contemporary photographs that range from $500 - $5000, and rare vintage photographs from the 20th century master photographers from $5000 - $500,000.
The focus of our exhibitions program has always been about exposing fine art photography to the international art/photography community. The interest in collecting photography has increased dramatically within the last 15 years.