FabNewport teaches people how to make. We focus on fabrication, coding and physical computing but also have a wood shop and work with traditional materials. Our programs run in schools and in our 1800 square foot lab and at partner sites such as libraries. We also run professional development for educators interested in using technology to integrate curricula and accelerate the transformation of school culture.
Users of Fab Newport have access to a computer lab, powerful design and manufacturing software, 3D printers, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, routers, electronic components, hand and power tools, and a team of people who are there to help. If you have any questions feel free to email fabnewport@gmail.com.
Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
1 York Street
Newport, Rhode Island 02840, US
FabricationCodingPhysical computingWoodworkingCurriculum integrationSchool culture transformationProfessional development for educators
FabricationCodingPhysical computingWood shopTraditional materialsComputer labDesign and manufacturing software3D printersLaser cutterVinyl cutterRoutersElectronic componentsHand and power tools
EducatioInnovatioTechnologyEntrepreneurial Spirit