San3a Tech was launched by young Egyptians to empower the Maker Movement and digital fabrication in the MENA region. Fab Lab Egypt is the technical arm of san3a Tech Company which is managing all the spaces & nodes of Fab Lab Egypt’s network and having all the technical know how needed to provide its three main services: Open Makerspace, Technical Support & Labs installations.
The lab is a member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fab Lab global network since 2012.It is a digital fabrication lab where anyone can make almost anything, from electronics to furniture and robotics. Young children, college students can prototype their ideas in the lab, share knowledge and collaborate on projects and hands-on activities.
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
HQ Location
Villa 35, 100 Street, Maadi
Cairo, Cairo 11728, EG
Digital FabricationMaker MovementMakerspaceDIYTechnical ServicesPrototyping ServicesLabs installations3D printingand Laser cutting