FUSE LIVE specializes in Wellness and Fitness Services with 2 employees
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FUSE LIVE is our online, fully virtual LIVE and on demand app, platform and connected group to help you reach and exceed your wellness goals... it's so much more than just a workout! It’s a community. When you sweat together, you learn how to share, admire, lead, follow and ultimately achieve more. Fuse is low impact, sustainable, high-intensity interval training and was born from a need to make workout classes more efficient without impact. Each 45-minute class pushes you through 45-second intervals of cardio and strength for the most optimal and effective workout while incorporating your entire body. We created a sustainable HIIT workout crafted with NYC inspiration and Detroit pride — a workout that WE need and our clients love. Fuse is for people who seek a balanced, heart-pounding, and strength-building routine to live better, stronger lives. Our group of experienced trainers shares our enthusiasm every day — 45 minutes at a time — to help you unleash your inner athlete. Especially online, each class feels like personal training within a group setting. Our instructors will challenge and lift you to new heights with constant motivation while you work toward new goals. If you’re looking for a positive, empowering workout, join us on Fuse Live!
Year Founded
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Wellness and Fitness Services
HQ Location
Birmingham, Michigan 48009, US
Virtual fitness trainingHigh-intensity interval training (HIIT)Low impact workout designSustainable fitness routinesMotivational fitness instructionGroup fitness leadership
Online, fully virtual LIVE and on demand appConnected group for wellness goalsLow impact, sustainable, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workoutsGroup fitness classesPersonalized training within a group setting
fitnesscardiowellnessstrengthonline workoutvirtual workoutlow impactexerciseHIIThigh intensity interval training
FUSE LIVE Location
  • Birmingham, Michigan 48009, US

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