FABCO is the French American Business Council of Orlando. FABCO’s mission is to facilitate successful partnerships between French and American individuals, professionals and companies. FABCO is part of the "Union des Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie Françaises à l'Étranger" (UCCIFE), which comprises 115 French Chambers of Commerce in 85 countries.
FABCO’s bilingual and bicultural board of directors is home to a broad variety of professionals from different sectors including law, tax & accounting, financial services, public relations, advertising, real estate, hospitality sector, entertainment, interior design, restaurants and more.
FABCO’s role is to procure to its American members a direct pathway to the French and European Market through its in-network contacts.
FABCO’s goal is also to support French owners of small and medium-sized companies in their business endeavors here in Central Florida.
FABCO’s objective is ultimately to promote American and French businesses, connect with partners, access resources, and facilitate the exchange of expert advice through the organization of unique events.