Welcome to FORMA 8
Aesthetic Medicine / Laser Treatment Center!
Lasers have been used in health care for many years. Since 2017, FORMA 8 has been using this innovative technology for treating: Facial Telangiectasias, Pigmented Lesions, Spider Veins, Vascular Lesions etc.The future promises to bring additional applications and innovations to the medical laser field.
What are the Advantages of Using a Laser?
Lasers allow doctors to make small incisions. Many patients experience no bleeding, less pain, zero chance of infection, and have a shorter recovery time when a laser is used.
Laser treatments require a small investment in money and time compared to the great results you’ll achieve. Many patients see improvement after just a few sessions, which takes a matter of minutes for each appointment. You can relax knowing that you’ll have a comfortable experience—the Cutera wand includes a special mechanism that protects and cools your skin during the session. Your doctor, a skilled professional who knows your health care needs, is the best person to advise you whether or not your treatment should include laser services.
Are Lasers Safe?
Yes. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sets guidelines for the safe operation of medical lasers. FORMA 8 follows these guidelines strictly. Laser light is very powerful and you will be given protective eyewear if the choice of laser treatment requires it. There is no x-ray radiation present in the laser beam.
What are the Quality Guidelines?
In addition to federal guidelines, FORMA 8 studied guidelines from major laser care centers across the country. The laser team consists of specially trained doctors. They are continuously improving their knowledge and skills by attending progressive, specialized institutes throughout the country.
For general inquiries, call FORMA 8 Esthetics/ Laser Treatment Center at +7-777-665-7788.