FILINGOR HOLDINGS SDN BHD can supply good quality Industrial Plants, Machinery & Equipment and many other Malaysia Palm Oil Product, PKS-Palm kernel shell, RBD Oil, goods, as they are a identified Manufacturer. The headquarter of FILINGOR HOLDINGS SDN BHD is located in Johor Bahru Johor Malaysia. FILINGOR HOLDINGS SDN BHD is a famous business in Malaysia that is exporting transnationally. FILINGOR HOLDINGS SDN BHD Details Name: KORAINI ISMAIL Address: Johor Bahru Johor Country: Malaysia Main Products: Palm Oil Product, PKS-Palm kernel shell, RBD Oil, Year Established: 2008 Export Focus: Pakistan Estimated Employees: 101 - 200 People Registered Capital: US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million Ownership Status: Private Limited Export Percentage: 91% - 100% Factory Size: Above 100, 000 square meters Production Lines: 9 Research Team Size: 11 - 50 People Contract Services: Design Service Offered
pk palm kernel shell, Metal & Metallurgy Machinery, Machinery, Palm Oil, Plant Oils, Oils & Extracts, Agriculture
HQ Location
Johor, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Palm Oil ProductPks-palm Kernel ShellRbd OilEfb ShredderEfb Press