FAMILY PRIDE OF NORTHEAST OHIO, INC. is a not for profit community mental health center providing services in Geauga, Lake, and Ashtabula counties. There are currently two offices that are located in Chardon, Ohio and Ashtabula, Ohio. The Geauga office is located at 695 South Street #6, Chardon, Ohio 44024 and the Ashtabula Office is located at 525 Lake Avenue, Ashtabula, Ohio 44004.
Family Pride helps children, teens, and families through an array of specialized services. Services include individual, family and couples in home or community based counseling, individual chemical dependency counseling, case management support services, school based mental health services, parenting education programs, trauma specific clinical care, professional learning, and professional supervision of clinical counselors and social Work.
Our overall Mission is to to engage children and families with our innovative and professional clinical services in the home and community.