We are a small business based in the greater D.C area and specializing in single source XML publishing and ePub development. We have years of experience in customizing and developing XML publication solutions, creating plugins for #DITA, Docbook, HTML, PDF, ePub, WebHelp outputs.
Our experience includes developing and customization of various publishing systems for clients like FedEx, HPE, Guidewire, ANSYS, and ThermoFisher. Our capabilities below:
• DITA and Docbook Plugins for single source XML publishing for HTML, PDF, ePub, WebHelp outputs
• Automation for publication content using #InDesign and FrameMaker
• Provide consultancy in XML related technologies, like #XSLT, #XSL-FO, DTD, XSD, etc.
• Typesetting in InDesign, FrameMaker, Quark or LaTeX from XML files supplied
• Creating templates for DITA, Docbook, InDesign, Quark and LaTeX based on XML DTD supplied
• Conversion of Legacy Data to XML
• Developing stylesheets as per customer's XML DTD
• XML transformation - one DTD to another DTD