Explore Specialist Advice NZ is a provider of specialist behaviour support services to disabled people of all ages, their families/whānau and their support networks. We support disabled people who are eligible for disability support services and who present with challenging behaviour.
What Explore Specialist Advice does
We provide specialist behaviour support services, to children and adults with a disability, their family/whānau and their support networks. Our primary role is to identify the cause of challenging behaviour and to work with all parties involved to develop proactive strategies to address the behaviour.
We believe that all people with disabilities make a valuable contribution to society and should be supported to participate in communities. This is no different for people with challenging behaviours and Explore Specialist Advice aims to reduce the effects that person’s behaviour has on their ability to live an ordinary life and in doing so helps them achieve the goals they set.
About Explore Specialist Advice
Explore Specialist Advice began in February 2005 as a new initiative by the Ministry of Health to deliver specialist services using a transdisciplinary model to disabled people who had formerly lived at the Kimberley Centre in Levin.
In 2009 Explore Specialist Advice gained accreditation against Allied Health Services Standards (NZS 8171:2005) and has maintained this accreditation ever since.
Most recently in March 2014 Explore Specialist Advice was selected by the Ministry of Health as the national provider of behavioural support services.
Explore Specialist Advice is a wholly owned subsidiary of HealthcareNZ Limited.