Created in 2003 and based in Marseille (France), Exkee develops high quality and original Console, PC and Mobile games. The studio is composed of creative and energetic talents focused on proposing the best concepts and gameplays to hardcore or casual gamers.
Some of our developments:
- The 7th Guest VR, published by Vertigo Games on Meta Quest 2&3, PC VR and PSVR2.
- Let’s Get Fit, published by Plaion on Nintendo Switch.
- Rabbids Go Phone Again, and Ghost Recon Network, published by Ubisoft on iOS and Android.
- Voodoo Dice, published by Ubisoft, on XBLA, PSN, Wiiware, PC, PSP, and iPhone.
- ColorZ, published by Exkee on Wiiware, elected best video game of the year at the Milthons 2009.
- I-Fluid, published by Exkee on Steam and several digital distribution channels.
- Tomb Raider Legend: Tokyo ; Age of Empire II: Mobile ; and Robinson Crusoe: Shipwrecked, on Mobile.