Excel with Ebrima

Excel with Ebrima specializes in Business Consulting and Services with 1 employees
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About Excel with Ebrima
Why I Started Excel with Ebrima After 5 years of advancing my career in corporate America, from Financial Analyst to Finance Manager in just 3 years, I noticed some significant gaps in the industry: #1 Universities fall short in teaching practical FP&A skills, prioritizing theory over practical application. #2 Companies neglect training their teams, particularly in smaller FP&A departments. #3 My own knowledge and skills were largely shaped by experienced managers and mentors, but this privilege is often limited to larger multinational companies. Recognizing these challenges, I embarked on a mission to be part of the solution. That's why I founded Excel with Ebrima. At Excel with Ebrima, we bridge the gap between academia and real-world FP&A expertise. Our focus is on providing practical, hands-on training that equips aspiring financial professionals with the skills needed to excel in the field. Whether you work in a large corporation or a smaller organization, we believe everyone should have access to quality FP&A education. Our comprehensive courses cover a wide range of FP&A topics, empowering individuals to master financial modeling, forecasting, budgeting, and analysis. We combine theoretical knowledge with real-world case studies and practical exercises, ensuring that our students gain the skills necessary to thrive in their careers. With Excel with Ebrima, you no longer have to rely solely on the availability of experienced managers or mentors. Our courses bring years of FP&A experience directly to you, regardless of the size or nature of your company. Join us at Excel with Ebrima and unlock your potential in the world of financial planning and analysis. Together, let's bridge the gap and empower the next generation of FP&A professionals.
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Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
Euless, Texas, US
Excel with Ebrima Location
  • Euless, Texas, US

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Excel with Ebrima specializes in the Business Consulting and Services field