Evrys Bio is a privately held biotech focused on Antivirals. We were founded on breakthrough discoveries from Princeton University. Whereas immuno-oncology drugs engage the patient’s immune system to fight cancer, Evrys Bio antivirals target special human proteins, known as sirtuins, enhancing their natural ability to fight powerful infections. Because the function of sirtuins is essential for different viruses, Evrys Bio antivirals address many, if not all, of the viruses that cause a given infectious disease. For example, our vision is that an Evrys Bio product will address hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus. Current products only address one or the other, not both. Furthermore, because sirtuins are the patient’s own proteins, viruses cannot rapidly develop drug-resistance against sirtuin-targeted drugs, completely transforming the way we treat and cure viral infections today. We are located in Doylestown PA, United States.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
HQ Location
3805 Old Easton Road
Doylestown, PA 18902, US
Antiviral drug developmentSirtuin-targeted drug discoveryViral infection treatment
Antiviral drugsSirtuin-targeted drugsHepatitis treatment