Evina Laboratorium Glassware

Distillation Pumpkin, Laboratory Equipment, Health, Medical & Beauty Equipment
Phone Number: +62 821-1715-2457
Kami adalah penjual alat - alat glass untuk kebutuhan laboratorium dan industri, adapun produk yang kami jual diantaranya merk Pyrex, Scott duran dan lokal, Produk tersebut adalah : - Beaker Glass - Beaker Low Form - Beaker Tall Form - Beaker Conical - Erlenmayer - Erlenmayer Glass Stopper - Erlenmayer Screw cap - iodine Flask - Boiling Flask - Boiling Flask round Bottom - Boiling Flask flat bottom - Nasu Flask - kjeldahl Flask - Funnel & Kondensor - Separating Funnel - Dropping funnel - Kondensor Liebig - Kondensor Alihin - Kondensor Graham - Kondensor Dimroth - Filtering - Flask Filtering - Filter Funnel - Filter Holder - Funnel Fluted - Botol Laboratory - Crystalizing dish - Botol Timbang - Desikator - Disc Desikator - Lid for desiccator - Petridish - Watch Glass Dish - Botol Tetes - Piknometer - Tabung Reaksi - Nessler - Tabung Centrifuge - Volumetric - Flask Volumertric - Glass ukur - Pipet Ukur - Pipet Volume - Pipet Komagome - Buret & Soxhlet Extractor, - Buret Otomatis - Micro Buret - Soxhlet Extractor - Beaker Glass Hubungi Kami : Evina 082117152457 / 022 - 70902506 Bandung
Year Founded
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Distillation Pumpkin, Laboratory Equipment, Health, Medical & Beauty Equipment, Laboratory Accessories, Penakar Hujan, Test & Measurement Tools, Industrial Machinery Equipment
HQ Location
JL Antapanai Sukarasa No 03 Rt 01 Rw 07, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat - 40291, Indonesia
  • JL Antapanai Sukarasa No 03 Rt 01 Rw 07, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat - 40291, Indonesia

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Distillation Pumpkin, Laboratory Equipment, Health, Medical & Beauty Equipment

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