Evergreen Leadership is a catalyst for accelerating relationships, crystallizing vision, boosting engagement and achieving results that matter. We help companies carve out their core values, design and deliver leadership training and coaching that creates the highest performing culture.
From Tribal Leadership to the Five Dysfunctions of a Team to Building Conflict-Competent Teams, Sam tries to bring the right tools and resources to make a difference where it matters most. His tool kit includes many enlightening assessments: EQi 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence), Voices 360 (Lominger Development Competency 360 feedback), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument, StrengthsFinder, Strong Interest Career Inventory, CPI-260, and FIRO-B. By far, the greatest asset we bring is our ability to ask the right questions and really listen and understand our clients’ strengths, struggles and dreams.
We have coached leaders from stellar companies like Google, Facebook and Microsoft and led trainings and team buildings at Ivy-League institutions like Columbia University. From New York to San Francisco to Dubai, our diverse clients and stellar team of consultants offer a broad spectrum of culture and experience to cross-pollinate excellence and innovation.
The passion of Evergreen Leadership is to see people come alive and take their dreams and their teams to the next level.
Specialties: Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Transitions, Appreciative Inquiry, Emotional Intelligence, Myers-Briggs Personality Type Assessments and Team Building Workshops, 360-Degree Feedback, Employee Engagement, Conflict Competence, Tribal Leadership.
Business Consulting and Services
HQ Location
Vancouver, WA 98682, US
Executive CoachingTeam CoachingTransitionsAppreciative InquiryEmotional IntelligenceMyers-Briggs Personality Type AssessmentsConflict CompetenceTribal Leadership
Leadership trainingCoachingTeam building workshopsAssessments (EQi 2.0, Voices 360, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument, StrengthsFinder, Strong Interest Career Inventory, CPI-260, FIRO-B)360-Degree FeedbackEmployee EngagementConflict CompetenceTribal Leadership
leadership developmentexecutive coachingemployee engagementchange managementleadership programslearning and developmenthigh performance teamworkemotional intelligencecoachingcommunicatio