European Student Think Tank

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The European Stu­dent Think Tank (EST) was foun­ded in 2010 to serve as a plat­form to inform stu­dents about and involve them in the EU policy-making pro­cess. It is based on the belief that stu­dents can mean­ing­fully con­trib­ute to this pro­cess by apply­ing their aca­demic skills and know­ledge. The import­ance of this vis­ion was recog­nized when the EST was awar­ded the Char­le­magne Youth Prize by The Neth­er­lands in 2011. Through its web­site, events, and its net­work in the European Union’s (can­did­ate) mem­ber states, the EST provides stu­dents with a plat­form for their ideas and ques­tions. We are a non-partisan, non-profit, and non-governmental organ­iz­a­tion (NGO) that aims to incor­por­ate as many stu­dents, dis­cip­lines, and view­points as possible. What we do: We execute our mis­sion of encour­aging act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion of stu­dents in the EU’s policy pro­cess in three ways: - Pub­lic­a­tions: We pub­lish blogs, art­icles and aca­demic papers on EU-related issues. - Events: We host lec­tures as well as policy-generating events in which we bring together stu­dents, schol­ars, and poli­cy­makers to debate European policy. - Net­work: We bring together stu­dents with sim­ilar interests and forge per­sonal relations. As a young organ­iz­a­tion, the EST is con­stantly evolving and expand­ing – in the future, we hope to expand the scope of our activ­it­ies to include, for instance, the organ­iz­a­tion of con­fer­ences and col­lab­or­a­tion with pro­fes­sional think tanks. Linktree:
Year Founded
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Think Tanks
HQ Location
Belgium, Brussels Brussels, BE
international affairseuropean politicsstudent platformeuropean eventspublicationspolitical articlesstudent eventsEuropean UnionYoung Professionalsand Foreign Policy
  • Belgium, Brussels Brussels, BE

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