The “European Scientific Journal”, ESJ is a peer reviewed journal which accepts high quality research articles. The journal is issued monthly and is available to all researchers who are interested in publishing their scientific achievements. Supporting the concept of interdisciplinarity we welcome submissions in different academic areas. All articles must be in English, French or Spanish and have an English abstract.
In the past few years, thousands of academicians, from over 120 countries around the globe, have published their papers in the European Scientific Journal, ESJ. The excellent and agile team, composed of distinguished researchers, from more than 120 universities worldwide, is crucial to the prestigious status that our journal enjoys.
Every month, three issues of the ESJ are uploaded on our website, embracing different academic disciplines and facilitating the cutting edge concepts of interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. They are:
Issue 1: Economics, Law and Education
Issue 2: Humanities
Issue 3: Life Sciences