European Nuclear Society

Civic and Social Organizations · 2 Employees
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ENS is the largest society for nuclear science, research and industry in Europe. Ever since its foundation in 1975 it has been promoting the advancement of nuclear science, research and engineering to its members, decision makers and the general public. The Society’s membership includes national nuclear societies from 21 countries in Europe plus Israel. Another crucial component of that membership is the group of corporate members, representing key stakeholders which are partners for nuclear technology and research in Europe. ENS connects its members with the principle aim of fostering and coordinating their activities on an international level. In relation to this, the society encourages the networking of scientists and engineers between different countries and organises meetings devoted to scientific and technical matters and to the communication on nuclear applications. ENS comprises more than 10,000 professionals from industry, the academic world, research centres and authorities: people who voluntary commit themselves to generate ideas and to take up responsibilities, who have the enthusiasm to get things done and the curiosity to learn from colleagues and from people outside the network The modern face of ENS is that of a dynamic professional association with a clear mission that offers its members a broad range of tailor-made services. It is also an effective transmitter of scientific information to a growing number of people with a stake in the future of nuclear energy.
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Civic and Social Organizations
HQ Location
56 Avenue des Arts Bruxelles, 1000, BE
Nuclear ScienceNuclear ResearchNuclear Radiation ProtecionNuclear EngineeringEnergyClimateNuclear DevelopmentNuclear SafetyNuclear TrainingNuclear Communications
  • 56 Avenue des Arts Bruxelles, 1000, BE

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