The European League Against Pain (EULAP®) is an international, multi‐stakeholder platform in the field of pain advocacy. Members of EULAP® are organizations whose focus is improving pain management, like European and National organizations representing patients, European and National scientific societies, health care professional organizations, and other organizations with an interest in the field of pain management and advocacy.
EULAP® fosters excellence in education and research in the field of pain medicine. It promotes the translation of research advances into daily care. EULAP® fights for the recognition of the needs of people with pain diseases by the governing bodies in Europe and it’s the natural partner of European policy makers, when policies and regulatory frameworks are developed.
Executive Board
President Stefano Coaccioli (Italy)
Past President Athina Vadalouka (Greece)
Past President Giustino Varrassi (Italy)
Treasurer Eli Alon (Switzerland)
Micky Lotan (Israel)
Roman Cregg (UK)
Zis Panagiotis (Cyprus)
Gunilla Goran (President of the European Network of Fibromyalgia Associations)