Eurasiayan is a total conglomeration of settings your notions and ideas into motion.
Enabling smooth meetings and triggering inventiveness is how We Churn ConceptS! We have hosted a substantial and diverse portfolio of successful international events over the last 6 years, offering support and solutions to shape big ideas and ensuring that your brand gets the maximum value from a perfectly laid stage with our sure-fire experience, expertise and individuality. Our critically acclaimed and unrivaled formula hosts large corporations from around the world who unequivocally remain connected and involved, thereby giving us the scope to explore business opportunities across regions collectively.
The sheer experience of personally meeting with people from all walks of life, to gain inspiration, knowledge and forming business alliances is unbeatable.
Eurasiayan has offices in Hungary, India and United States of America and on-ground presence in Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.