Euler Capital is a Global Asset Management and Investment Services Firm
Concisum, Praecisam
In a fast changing global financial environment, we find our niche in bridging internationally segmented markets by providing superior private investment localization and personalization. We offer specialized asset management as well as alternative investment services to a broad range of audience that can be tailored to regional and global economic factors as well as individual preferences and institutional specifications.
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Major Services
Hedge Fund
Euler Global Index Fund
Euler Global Balance Fund
Euler Global Venture Fund
Euler Global Currency Fund
Euler Asia Opportunity Fund
Euler Asia Exposure Fund
Euler Asia Horizon Fund
Euler Cubic Fund
Euler Iso-Alpha Fund
Euler Triple-H Fund
Private Equity
Euler Realty Beta
Euler Luxuries Gamma
Euler Tech Sigma
Portfolio Advisory
Retail Service
Contracted Service
Wealth Management
Individual Investors
Corporate Investors
Institutional Investors
We dedicate ourselves to cutting-edge research on a broad range of heated topics in modern finance, including state-of-the-art financial econometrics, theoretical and empirical asset pricing, capital markets and contingent claims, market micro-structure and high-frequency trading, international finance and currency dynamics, and institutional relations and financial innovations.