In an area of approximately 20 thousand square meters, located at the Port of Gradim, in the municipality of São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, the São Miguel Shipyard was implanted to provide construction and repair services to the Group fleet and third-party vessels.
In activity since the 1970s, this was the first facility to obtain environmental licensing approved by the State of Rio de Janeiro. The shipyard is responsible for almost the totality of construction, maintenance and upgrading projects for all Group maritime units. Every year, averages of 15 dry-dockings are managed by the shipyard.
New constructions over the last few years include 2 tugboats equipped with 12-ton Bollard Pull static traction capacity; one 1,800 TBP tank barg; 3 conversion projects and the jumborization of three 2,000 TBP barges, all with double-hull construction in the payload sections.
In the recent past, the São Miguel Shipyard was certified by the Brazilian Merchant Marine Fund (MMF) to provide construction services to third-party ship-owners. The first construction project approved within the framework of concession, initiated back in 2007, received financing from the MMF and the BNDES, acting as financial agent.