A renowned name in the Loading Ramps, Epoch Pluimvee (PTY) LTY is a Supplier, Buying House currently dealing in Cattle. With an annual turnover of Below US$1 Million in the business of exporting goods and services in different parts of the world since 15 year(s), Epoch Pluimvee (PTY) LTY claims to have an accumulated export of 2.25 Million USD - 45% of Annual Revenue including the total export market share in Asia = 19% Europe = 11% Americas = 17% Middle East = 53% .
Originating from Diamant Park, Kimberley, British Columbia, South Africa, Epoch Pluimvee (PTY) LTY started off with an initial investment of US$1 Million in 2005. A Private Limited with an Have Own Export License; the company plans to expand its roots in different countries in the coming years.