Global leader in recycling and waste disposal products and solutions. Designing recycling programs and systems that work for Retail, Property Management, Transit, Parks, Teams and Stadiums, Colleges and Universities, since 1997.
In 2012, demonstrated green initiatives and environmental responsibility is corporate necessity. The first and most distinct communicable message of environmental awareness is through the implementation of a successful recycling program. We're committed to developing and building products that meet your complete recycling and landfill redirection program needs. Through dedicated field research and in-house fabrication our products can be designed to meet all of your corporate waste management requirements.
Our award winning product designs deliver unmatched emphasis on both function and ergonomic appeal. Proven to work, our efficient systems are simple to use and maintain. Unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing, recycling and waste disposal receptacles that encourage public recycling and reflect corporate professionalism through environmental responsibility. Custom fabrication options allow product design to blend naturally and compliment any public space environment with an unhitching natural flow that comes from good industrial design.
Constantly evolving product lines of outdoor furniture for international urban and industrial streetscapes, with both custom and standard collections in production.
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing, Benches, Benches & Tables, Materials Handling, Seating, Legs, Furniture & Accessories, Other, Bicycle Racks, Bowling Pins
HQ Location
25 Claireville Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5Z7, CA
recycling binsoutdoor furnituremulti-stream recyclingoutdoor recyclingwaste disposal productsrecyclingcampus recyclingurban recyclingwaste auditrecycling made simple