Renewables & Environment, Chemistry, inorganic - raw materials and derivatives, Landfill gas and waste management services, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment, Incinerator and landfill waste operators, Terotechnology consultants, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, IT, Internet, R&D, Logistics engineering consultants
Thermal disposal of sewage and industrial sludge (stationary fluidized bed)Thermische Entsorgung von Klär- und Industrieschlämmen (stationäre Wirbelschicht)Generation of steam and electricity at power plants by combustion of fuels with a high calorific value (circulating fluidized bed)Dampf- und Stromerzeugung in Kraftwerken durch Verbrennung hoch kalorischer Brennstoffe (zirkulierende Wirbelschicht)Thermal disposal of solidliquid or gaseous waste materials (rotary kiln or combustion chamber)Thermische Entsorgung toxischer festerflüssiger oder gasförmiger Abfällen (Drehrohr oder Brennkammer)Flue gas cleaning systemsRauchgasreinigungsanlagen