Entrepreneur Ready is a technology and managed service provider committed to scaling access to entrepreneurship and improving small business success outcomes fo
We deploy and manage online community based onlinaccelerators which are radically inclusive; include all ideas, industries, types of ventures (non profit-for profit, social venture), ages, races, genders for idea, pre revenue and small businesses looking to pivot or restart.
Our unique step-by-step idea to market roadmap powered by our proprietary success platform, timely feedback from real entrepreneur coaches every step of the 6 month journey along with a vibrant community accelerate small business success outcomes for ALL.
Entrepreneurship creates jobs, wealth and financial self sufficiency and is a 21st century workforce skill. A practice every citizen, resident and individual must have a framework for to succeed in today's global, fast changing, AI adapting, connected economy.
62% of Americans want to start a new business however most face barriers of knowledge, confidence, understanding financial risk and access to capital. 77% of small businesses have revenues under 100K and 80% of small businesses are non employer firms.
Entrepreneur Ready is a scalable, high impact, proven high ROI solution to create a feeder system, a pipeline of better prepared, faster growing and more diverse ideas and small businesses to drive local and regional economic vitality and placemaking.
We also partner with Ownershift Foundation to funnel philanthropy monies to scale access to entrepreneurship and small business ownership to underserved individuals.