Ensemble Offspring is a dynamic Sydney-based organisation dedicated to adventurous new music. Led by Artistic Director, acclaimed percussionist Claire Edwardes, our virtuoso team of musicians boasts broad ranging backgrounds and talents and a passion for performing the music of our time. Driven by open-mindedness, Ensemble Offspring promotes diverse and emerging music practices that expose audiences to new ways of experiencing sound. We embrace a broad repertoire from seminal chamber works of the past 50 years, to free improvisation and the creation of striking interdisciplinary productions. Often cited as Australia’s most influential force in new music today, the ensemble has premiered more than 100 new works and presents an annual program of over 30 concerts a year. Recent collaborations have included Mike Patton, Speak Percussion and Jon Rose with appearances in the Sydney, Canberra and ISCM international festivals. In 2015 we celebrated our 20th birthday.