Enodo Rights is a New York-based consulting firm specializing in human rights strategy. We work with leading multinationals across sectors to implement the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our team is comprised of lawyers with serious commercial and stakeholder engagement experience. We leverage our legal expertise to provide precise and practical insight on corporate human rights risks and expectations. We do not act as legal counsel; to ensure privilege, we work closely with in-house and external counsel from leading international firms. We also collaborate with investment advisors, sustainability consultants, and management consultants.
Our recent engagements include:
* Advising a Fortune 100 consumer products company on the design of a comprehensive human rights compliance program, including policies, risk assessments, non-financial reporting, and human rights due diligence aligned with the Guiding Principles.
* Advising Debevoise & Plimpton LLP on the launch of the Business Integrity Group, a uniquely integrated practice to address the full array of corporate responsibility-related legal and financial risks.
* Advising a Fortune 100 bank on the development of human rights due diligence for state-owned enterprises.
* Conducting an independent and public assessment of Barrick Gold's grievance mechanism in Porgera, Papua New Guinea, for alignment with the Guiding Principles.
* Overseeing the assessment of a leading oil and gas company's alignment with the Guiding Principles at four affiliates across the world.
* Developing guidance for the OECD Secretariat on the practical meaning of "cause", "contribute", and "directly linked" to frame corporate due diligence obligations, particularly in the financial sector, under the OECD Guidelines and the Guiding Principles.
* Advising two oil and gas companies on responding to a claim before the Philippines Commission on Human Rights focused on climate change and human rights.