The Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) is the "voice" of engineering in UK higher education. Our primary purpose to provide a forum at which academic engineers in UK HEIs can exchange of ideas about engineering education, research and other matters of common interest and to come together to provide an influential voice and authoritative conduit through which engineering departments’ interests can be represented to key audiences such as funders, influencers, employers, professional bodies and Government.
We provide a unique forum for, and network of, academics: all branches of engineering are represented within the membership: Aeronautical, Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Electronic, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, as well as Minerals, Metallurgy and Marine Engineering and the broad areas of General engineering studies and those in which engineering is combined with a range of other topics. In some universities, frequently those where computing forms part of an Engineering School or Faculty, professors of Computer Science are also members. There are currently 80 institutional members encompassing around 6,000 academic staff.