The Energy Council of the Northeast is a regional trade association of electric utility companies and vendors and suppliers to the industry. We were founded on one central concept:
"The exchange of information on engineering, technical, safety and operational issues promotes operating efficiencies, cost savings and safe work practices, thereby increasing our ability to provide reliable service to customers."
Committees and working groups provide the framework for information exchange. Dues are paid by utility companies and membership benefits are extended to all employees of a member company. This allows access to all of the Council’s committees and working groups to anyone employed by a member utility. Create a log in to our web site and navigate to the committee forums to ask questions or review their documents.
We also conduct conferences, workshops, seminars and educational programs for utility professionals. Our programs are unique in that members design and control the content. A thorough review process keeps our programs current and relevant to member needs and allows us to adapt to the changing industry landscape.