Endless is a collection of affiliated companies and initiatives focused on building and supporting technology that drives social impact. In a world where technology moves quickly, it creates both opportunities and digital gaps. Led by Matt Dalio, Endless is catalyzing a set of organizations that share a common goal of enabling people to shape their technology instead of being shaped by it.
Learn more about our companies and initiatives:
-Find more information about the Endless OS Foundation, a nonprofit focused on increasing access to the power of the internet through their offline-accessible OS and digital-access-for-learning initiatives like the Endless Key: www.endlessos.org
-Find more information about Endless Studios, fun first games that help youth learn how to code (ages 8-14): https://thethirdterminal.com/faq
-Find more information about Hack, the safe destination for all coding content (ages 8-14): https://hack-computer.com/
-Find more about Endless Solutions, enabling businesses and governments to deliver their critical apps on a platform optimized for areas with little or no internet: https://endlessos.com/solutions/
Follow us:
Facebook: @endlessimpact
Twitter: @endlessximpact
Instagram: @endlessimpact