EnablePay Direct Inc. Smart Savings. Personal Service. With EnablePay, the “rate” you pay to process credit and debit cards is ALWAYS the actual VISA, MasterCard, and Discover Card interchange rate. You cannot process for less than actual interchange rates, so if you’re paying a “qualified” rate, “buy” rate or “discount” rate with your current processor, then you are paying too much.
At EnablePay we have a more transparent way to provide card processing services to merchants – a new approach to merchant services that makes card processing directly available to merchants at true WHOLESALE INTERCHANGE rates.
We give you one low fixed monthly management charge, which never changes, and pass along only the actual interchange and transaction cost that we pay to process your card. The management fee is based on a number of variables including your business’ credit, average ticket size, monthly transaction volume and industry type. HOWEVER UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE WILL WE RAISE THE MANAGEMENT FEE. Once we set the fee it remains set. So as your business grows and prospers, your management fee will remain locked. There are no additional surcharges or hidden gotcha, junk or creep fees.