Searching for contact information on the web can be painful. If you’re lucky, finding an email address may be a matter of a few clicks. But what if you also want to find phone numbers, Facebook pages, LinkedIn profiles, Twitter handles, and Instagram profiles? Today, everyone has different habits when it comes to their online presence, so getting in touch with someone often entails finding all possible ways of contacting them. Doing this job manually is a nightmare, especially if multiple web pages or websites need to be inspected. Luckily, you can automate this job using a technique called web scraping, which lets you automatically extract meaningful data from websites.
In Emphfy, there is a technique called Contact Information Data Scraper ( Its job is to automatically crawl web pages of your choice, scrape the contact information from them and then save it so that you can download it in CSV format. Note that techniques are cloud programs running on the Emphfy platform that are a great tool for web scraping, automation, and data extraction tasks.