Ematic is the leader in providing quality and affordable electronics from high-end headphones to tablets, eReaders and mp3 players. Our products integrate the newest apps onto the Android platform (currently Jelly Bean) as well as Quad-Core Intel technology with Windows 8.1. Our products are distributed through reputable retailers like Walmart, Best Buy and Target.
Our brand is dedicated to understanding and serving the everyday personal with personal electronics.
Let's face the fact, not all of us can budget thousands of dollars in personal electronics each year, which doesn't mean that there shouldn't be a perfectly viable option for a much more reasonable price. Ematic's products are reliable and provide the same outlets to your favorite applications like Netflix, Angry Birds, Pandora and more.
We develop.
Ematic has been providing innovative technology with the highest value since 1985. We proudly design our patented products from our Los Angeles corporate office and generate economic boosts by outsourcing product design, quality assurance and advertising.
We care.
Our company's strengths come from working with and giving back to the community. Every year, we donate 10% of our profits to charity. These monies go to various orphanages, food banks, and health care providers in the greater Los Angeles County.
For more information, visit www.ematic.us.