At Elite Sports Physical Therapy of Tinton Falls, NJ, we'll develop customized care and physical therapy programs based on a thorough evaluation of your injury and your athletic goals. Whether a torn ACL, dislocated shoulder or concussion is keeping you on the sidelines, our highly trained physical therapists can help you recover and return to the field or court in better shape than ever before.
We offer specialized care utilizing one-on-one rehabilitation, sport-specific training, injury prevention techniques, acupuncture/dry needling, and teamwork.
Hospitals and Health Care, Hospitals & Clinics, Physical Therapists, Therapy & Counselling
HQ Location
1540 W Park Ave
Suite 4
Tinton Falls, NJ 07712, US
thletesinjurypreventioBFRreturntosportcupunctureinjuryrehabilitatioryneedlingsports medicinelter gstrength training