Elgood have over 50 years experience working with business leaders and their team to tackle unique business and organisational challenges. If you have a development need, a #BusinessGame could help, tap into our experience.
We are uniquely well placed to help improve your productivity, performance, and profitability.
Core areas of expertise:
(1) Design & facilitation of unique #BusinessSimulationGames
Use our team to help you create material that will address your specific issues.
National Grid, faced with new strategic goals changing the regulatory and financial environment Elgood worked with their team designing a #BusinessStrategyGame to increase staff understanding and enable them to adjust their actions and decision-making.
(2) Build business awareness capability
Ensure decisions are made based on a clear understanding of your business goals and constraints.
CPA Global, worked with internal staff to increase #BusinessAcumen throughout the business. Attendees developed an essential understanding of the business and its objectives enabling them to understand decisions made by senior management and the actions required to support the commercial strategy.
(3) #BusinessEthics in decision-making
Build awareness of the implications of business decisions on the sustainability of your business through The Ethics Challenge game.
Elgood offers a range of off the shelf products that can be used by customers ‘straight from the pack’. This includes products for which we provide facilitation support face to face or remotely.
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, provision of a course module to develop Business Acumen and improve communication between technical specialists and their clients. The Institute in India uses the cloud version of the simulation.
Elgood works across a diverse range of industries and organisations, public and private sector, with audiences company-wide, communicating a new initiative, and smaller groups with role related needs, new managers.