Elgas, S.R.O.

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments · 51 Employees
Phone Number: obchod@elgas.cz
Email Address: obchod@elgas.cz
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The company ELGAS is one of the largest manufacturers of gas volume correctors ranking worldwide in TOP 5. The company was founded in 1992 as a Czech private company. Since the beginning, ELGAS was fully involved in the development and production of technologies like gas volume correctors, dataloggers, radio communication, and AMR systems, dedicated mainly for the gas industry. All company products and solutions are developers by ELGAS own Research and Development department, having a staff of more than 30 HW and SW engineers. The main goal for the R&D team is to develop top technology and prepare a complete and flexible solution according to the latest specifications and demands of customers.
Year Founded
Social Media
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments, Precision Equipment, Flow meters, Electronic and telecommunications engineering consultants, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, IT, Internet, R&D, Electronics industry consultants, Instrumentation engineering consultants
HQ Location
Semtínská 211 Pardubice, Pardubický 533 53, CZ
Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomenaměřenízpracování a přenos datvývoj a výroba přepočítávačů plynu a plynoměrůpřesné měřící systémy pro obchodní měření plynupokrytí potřeb měření plynu v plynárenstvípokročilý výzkum a vývoj v oblasti chytrého měření plynuexport moderních měřících systémů do celého světa30ti leté zázemí a zkušenosti společnosti na trhuvlastní metrologické laboratoře pro nejvyšší kvalitu zařízení
  • Semtínská 211 Pardubice, Pardubický 533 53, CZ

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Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments

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