SEV is the main electricity supplier in the Faroe Islands. Situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean the Faroese live in co-existence with nature. As the main supplier of electricity SEV has faced the challenge of sustainable energy head on. Combining hydropower, solarpower and wind power to generate 50% of the Faroese energy supply sustainable. Our overall aim is to reach 100% sustainable electricity generation by 2030.
Elfelagið SEV er lívæðrin í føroyska samfelagnum. SEV hevur veitingarskyldu, og veitir øllum borgarum, virkjum, stovnum o.l. støðugan streym alt samdøgrið. Harumframt hevur SEV sett sær fyri, at øll elorka á landi stavar frá varandi orkukeldum í 2030. Vit arbeiða hvønn dag ítøkiliga fram ímóti at røkka hesum máli til frama fyri føroyska samfelagið.